News Evoking Divine Legends
Meet Gu Yuan, the dedicated choreographer of many of Shen Yun's beloved story...
News Outperforming in October: Shen Yun Dancers Take Gold at International Competition
Shen Yun performers received 13 awards, including first place in both the adult male...
News Are Classical Chinese Dancers Gymnasts?
On the contrary, you could even say gymnasts learned moves from classical Chinese...
News Dance Competition 101
NTD Television’s International Classical Chinese Dance Competition is one of the...
Blog Kick-Start to Classical Chinese Dance
Alison Chen
Sideways, forward, backward, and even forward while moving backward... -
Blog Of Aerials and Virtue
Zack Chan
Every step I take down the path of mastering the art of tumbling... -
Blog Touch Your Toes To the Sky
Betty Wang
From the simplest "step toward the sky" to "overlooking the sea,"... -
Blog Blossoms and Blades in the Palm of Your Hand
Betty Wang
Introducing two classical Chinese dance hand gestures to have ready... -
News Kung Fu and Chinese Dance: Long-Lost Siblings?
Classical Chinese dance and martial arts share many common techniques, and yet these...
Blog Ancient Lifehack: Shipshape Posture for Tiptop Health
Betty Wang
How to have posture like a dancer - improve your health and look... -
Blog The Boomerang Hanky Walkover
Cindy Liu
One of the riskiest and hardest techniques Shen Yun dancers perform... -
Blog The Fantabulous Fan-Shen
Alison Chen
The other day, I was reading an article on our website—7...